Thursday, November 08, 2007

Been Away because of Health Issues

For the longest while I have been feeling under the weather. I suffer with Scoliosis cause by a birth defect to my left foot. Orthopedic Surgeon doesn't recommend surgery because of complications with my left foot. So I do physio therapy and take pain medication on a daily basis. I also suffer with Acute sinusitis I get terrible eye infections which hampers my crocheting from time to time. ^These ailments I have learned to cope with over the years, Three months ago I found out I have type two diabetes, I am learning to control my sugar level and I am happy to say that it's now under control with medication and diet. Two problems I am also coping with is poor eye sight and depression. I am slowly gaining my strength and Hope to be back to designing full time within the next couple of weeks. I wish to thank everyone for their prayers and concern.It has given me the strength to overcome the battle for sanity.


Peggy said...

I hope you are doing better. Sorry I have been so distant recently. You are still in my thoughts and I still tell all the crocheters I meet about you. Ionly want the best for you.
Love Peggy

Anonymous said...

Hi Ferosah, consider yourself tagged with a CGOA Meme! Rules are here:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetheart! You are in my heart and prayers every day...It's good you have your well-being under control...And be careful, don't overwork, it may be a significant cause of your health problems - the stress can give you really hard time - so, don't force yourself to do more than day is long...
I'm so impressed with your elegant and sophisticated desings, I often check your sites and everytime I notice you have made an increadible progress - your 'Crocheted Wings' fly higher and higher!
Dear, I've been silent for a long time but I have been reading group messages...Thank you for keeping me alive there...Few months ago, I faced the crushing news from my son - he was diagnosed with cancer and went through intensive therapy - my life stopped from this moment, and if not Sonny's emotional and financial support,I wouldn't survive... since this I'm dealing with my fears and depression every day...I try at my best to finish my website and be back to to my crafts...It's not easy, and it's not easy for you too...
Dear,let us stay strong and positive that everything will turn out for better...
Sonny sends the best wishes to you - for over 35 years he keeps his blood sugar and blood pressure under control - and he says you will be just fine if you take care of yourself... Love you my Dearest Friend, and a Very Happy Designing! Ada.

krochetgurl said...

Hi Ferosa,
I think about you every day, and wonder how you are doing. I am hoping that you are gaining strength every day. I miss you so very much. Take good care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are doing better! Have you ever checked out they have really good info on Scoliosis and especially info on new technologies.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, this of yours.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Dear,
I miss talking to you so much. I'm sorry your feeling bad. You have so many out here who love you. As one of the other bloggers said you do spend long hours crocheting. I know how you are, your a little buzz saw of crocheter. I haven't picked up a hook the whole year of 2007. I'm starting to crave it again though. I'll talk to you soon. Consider yourself hugged. Love Ya,

Darla Hassell